burn out brighter

sportsgirl cardigan, shirt from hong kong markets, city beach wedges
I had just begun to set up my tripod when my boyfriend pulled up in the driveway so I got him take a few quick shots for me instead! The sun disappeared a few times but it was so warm that I had to take off my jacket right after shooting. I love the warmth of spring but at the same time, I'm dreading the sticky humid days where you just want to cut off all your hair and burn your thick socks. I get pretty lazy in summer and usually just wear my high-waisted shorts with boots.
I actually bought the book pictured because of the gorgeous cover and didn't even bother to read the blurb in the back. But I now have a new book to read on the hour and half trip each way to uni.
FYI, my hair is always pinned back (which I hate so much) because my fringe is still growing out. I cringe every morning because I'm the kind of person that just gets out of bed without bothering to do my hair. It's so thick and heavy that it just stays straight most of the time. I can't really play around with different hairstyles without using a LOT of bobby pins or hairspray, because little stubborn flyaway strands manage to stay on my face.