Cinnamon Woods

Photography: Jysla Kay
Model: Nicole Warne
You have no idea how exciting it is for me to finally release these pictures! After some very confusing months, Nicole and I luckily get to keep these photos for our blogs and show you what we've been up to. If you haven't seen Nicole's post then you can check it out here.
Nicole is beautiful, inside and out, and she made my job so easy (is it even possible to take a bad photo of her?). A lot of you have found my blog through her also, so here's a big welcome to you all, and an even bigger thank you for taking the time to read my blog. It makes me so happy to read all the amazing comments from everyone, and all your cute tweets. And I stalk all of my lovely likers on Instagram, so don't get scared when you get a 'like' from me on a photo you posted weeks ago. I'm a bit creepy like that.
Hope you all love this shoot as much as I do x