
Above is an sneak peek iPhone picture of some products ASOS sent my way for a 'Back To School' feature that other bloggers are also a part of and an outtake from the shoot - can't wait to post the final shots!
I've been away from here for a while but I'm home for the holidays, which means:
1. No internet
2. Mum cooks for me (yum, I've missed
home-cooked food)
3. I have to get in bed earlier (am I the only one that still has a curfew?)
Uni semester results were released too and all I can say is - uh oh,
that was close.
But for the first time in 3 years, I finally have a day off next semester and have less than 20 hours of classes a week so I'm aiming to be more organised and live simpler and healthier. I wish I wasn't so good at procrastinating.
But before uni starts again next week, I'm heading off to the snow with Kevin - hopefully I don't freeze to death or break any bones!