inspiration: (study) work spaces

I'm in my last ever week of uni (!!!) - not including final exams - and I'm avoiding the uni library because it's always 1) a struggle to find a seat 2) too loud 3) too cold.
Studying at home is my favourite, but I know it's not for everyone. I've got a desk outside of my room that's in a quiet part of the house, near the window. It's bright, warm and cosy. Studying in bed is not ideal — trust me. There is no comfortable way to sit that allows you to study (not to mention how bad it is on your back), and it's too cosy a.k.a. you're likely to fall asleep at some point. You do need a comfortable place to help you focus, but that place shouldn't be your bed.
So, my fellow study buddies, I've rounded up some of my favourite images from Pinterest that not only inspire me to redecorate my work space, but actually motivates me to study (I've thrown in some empowering quotes in there for good measure). Maybe it inspires you too? I hope so.
1 / Source unknown
2 / Vintage Piken
3 / Source unknown
4 / Source unknown
5 / Image by Petra Bindel
6 / @cautiouslyobsessed
I love the wooden tabletops and the big throws on chairs... an open space flooded with natural light, surrounded by plants? Yep, I can study in a place like that.
photographer + lifestyle blogger
i love adventures of all sizes, capturing little moments, daily coffees and kind, wholesome human beings