
hello, nice to meet you.

hello, nice to meet you.

So, I've been doing some thinking and I've realised that I only generally talk about broad things on the blog. I guess I'm always worried that I'll say something that someone won't agree with or post content that people won't like so I try to be as inclusive and non-offensive as possible.

...But where is the heart in that? It's silly because it contradicts what I wrote in my previous post on loving boldly and living authentically - which, for me, should mean the confidence to step away from being a 'people pleaser' and do/write about/pursue the things that I enjoy (no matter how small). 

So, let's start fresh?

Hello, nice to meet you. I'm Jess. I'm 23, sagittarius, dog-lover, very sarcastic and unfortunately, I laugh heartily at my own jokes. I love everything to do with organisation (yes, I have a planner and make way, way too many to-do lists), doing laundry, kind and considerate people, drunk karaoke and binge watching tv shows and movie trailers. 

Yes I am an 'Instagram microblogger' but I don't have a glamorous life, I don't live on the beach, I'm not always travelling and I'm not invited to every single exclusive VIP launch night. (Nothing wrong with any of these things, of course. It's just not my life.)

I want my blog to be an honest reflection of my life - without sharing too many details since I'm still a fairly private person and the Internet is filled with, erm, scary people - where I can share favourite things, thoughts, tips and other random things. Talking about broad topics and big ideas has only limited me and I feel like that's what has made it hard for me to share often. There's an underrated beauty in simple things and little details in life — which I haven't been sharing consistently. Hopefully I don't bore you all to death with these less exciting updates but regardless, thank you so much for visiting anyway :-)

And thanks for sticking with little ol' indecisive me... I'm just another human out of 7 billion trying to find what happiness means to them. 


photographer + lifestyle blogger

i love adventures of all sizes, capturing little moments, daily coffees and kind, wholesome human beings