august favourites

Forever New boyfriend jeans, Zara wax coated jeans, Dasmonk men's printed tee, Natio mineral pressed powder, Elf eyebrow kit
This is a little different from what I'm used to doing, but I thought it'd be nice to do an overview of my favourites, and generally: most used or worn, products or clothes for the month of August.
Since I'm not entirely comfortable in front of the camera when filming, I failed to mention a few things about my august favourites, so here's a little recap:
Boyfriend jeans - perfect for those lazy days when a loose shirt and ripped knees is the perfect combination for those 'chill' days. Minimal effort for an outfit that still beats the equally lazy singlet and tights trend.
Wax coated jeans - I always love the finer details, and these jeans easily give the illusion that you've put a lot of thought into an outfit, with the gold hardware and wax coating. It's a step up from the standard black jeans, but again, no extra effort required.
Mineral pressed powder - first pressed powder I've tried, so not much to compare it to yet but I love applying this over my daily moisturiser for that extra bit of coverage. Personally, it's done wonders with oil control - giving a natural, matte finish and makes my complexion appear a lot smoother and even.
Eyebrow kit - My eyebrows are thin on the ends, so I rely heavily on this duo of eyebrow wax and powder to redefine my eyebrows. Lately though, I've been using a Revlon eyeshadow to fill in my eyebrows after using the wax as I prefer the ash grey colour over the light brown that is a part of the duo. Ash grey sounds strange I know, but it does look more natural on my eyebrows.
I mention a few more favourites in the video below, including some shoes I have been wearing to death. I hope you like it - and I love you if you watched it all the way! I always aim to make videos that you guys would enjoy watching so do let me know if there's anything you want to see more of. But thank you thank you thank you all x