twist on classics

Anna Quan'Taj' shirt, Stylestalker skirt, Spurr 'Klass' heels, Kevin's sunglasses
Lately, I've been adding a touch of 'corporate' to my outfits and wearing what I love best - classic pieces with a twist. Sure makes it easier in the morning when I'm struggling to find something to wear.
Finally found a new place near uni and moving in on Monday! It's a cosy granny flat owned by the loveliest people who have already made me feel like home. It'll be a nice change from living in a noisy building full of students who enjoy playing table tennis at 1am and setting off the fire alarm multiple times because they're smoking in their rooms. I even contemplated opting to live in a sharehouse but shuddered at the thought of cleaning up after everyone else (I can be a bit of a clean freak on some days and ridiculously messy on others).
Tell me - do you have any plans of moving out and if so, where to? Or if you're currently staying in a sharehouse or college, how are you finding it?
Happy Friday xx