mood board: wall art

Images from Saatchi Art, Pinterest
Thanks to countless hours spent on Pinterest looking at incredibly inspiring interiors and spaces (when I'm supposed to be studying) - I've started dreaming about the art I want to hang on the walls of my future home. Kevin and I have talked about how we'd like to decorate our spaces and, lucky for me, he's also a fan of abstract wall art. I love the feeling I get when I first enter an art gallery or museum… awe and quiet appreciation for art that captures emotions in a way that nothing else can.
I think there's a skill in picking the right artwork but since I know next-to-nothing about art, the next best thing would be to trust instinct and choose pieces based on how they make me feel. My mum loves decorating with little red ornaments and ceramic dolls (which scares me) while my sister prefers more refined, practical furniture and lighting which double as décor. It’s interesting to see how different our preferences are - my love for cosy, warm, light-filled spaces is definitely unlike my family's taste. I'd love to have a big variety of paintings, black and white sketches and cursive quotes all around my home!
How do you like to decorate your space? Lots of colour, minimal or even modern industrial? Just like the clothes we wear, I think our personal space also says a lot about our personality.