MBFWA Day 1: Part 1

Some outtakes/personal favourites of Connie from (a very rainy) Day 1 of MBFWA and a quick snap of Nicole before the Carla Zampatti show. See the rest of Connie's photos on her blog.
I'm really behind in posting so watch out for the eventual flood of photos to come from the exhausting week that is MBFWA. This year I wanted to try something different and focus more on what I enjoyed - street style and candid (i.e. stalker) shots. So I drifted in and out of the venue, taking less and less photos as the week went on (this is inversely proportional to the amount of coffee I consumed), but this year was one of my best. I met some lovely people and actually really enjoyed myself.
Nobody really talks about fashion week in a bad light but I can tell you that it sure was nice getting back to the real world when it was over. It's all a bit overwhelming when you have a large number of well-dressed and unbelievably good-looking people in the same place at the same time for 5 days straight. Don't get me wrong, it's always an amazing experience but my blistered feet are certainly happier and I think my sleeping pattern is finally normal again!
Look out for part 2 coming soon, packed full of street snaps... x