winter sun

Photos by Kevin and me
Triangl swimwear / Cocolatte jumper
I think I take it for granted living less than 10 minutes away from the beach so when the sun finally came out (and stayed out) on Wednesday, I shook off my fears of being cold and we drove towards the water. I'm terrified of the cold. But I've realised that it's more or less in my head. It's the thought of being cold that gets me and this realisation is what encouraged me to head to the beach. My half-year resolutions include constantly challenging myself beyond my comfort zone.
Heading to the beach in winter sounds crazy but it wasn't empty or cold surprisingly. There were several people running along the beach, taking their dog for a walk or just spending some time in the sun relaxing. I was leaping, jumping, cartwheeling and doing yoga poses on the beach. I wasn't even cold - just laughing like a crazy lady. I was at the beach. In winter (!!!!).
And if you're wondering... the water was warm.